Sunday, March 22, 2009

Le petit café

I said that the next time I would choose my battles better.
they have been choosing me for quite long, 
'Underneath all these layers of cloths,
when you take away the heavy armor,
there is nothing...
just nothing that resists an insignificant walk in the cold.'
You told me that and I believed you 
for why would you lie? For why would you make me cry?
I was already crying that night I didn't want to say goodbye,
Je ne veux pas dire au revoir. 
y ya no querré despedirme nunca más. 
I took my passport and my suitcase and looked straight down to the floor, 
No me bajes la mirada Mariele, 
I'm confused whether or not I wanted to know,
¡Pídeme que te siga!, Don't you dare to ask me to stay!,
you will be frozen by the first step,
 and I'm the one who is ready to melt.
yo te prometí un palacio de arena, jamás un iglú para una princesa. 
Prochain train à Montpellier... that's my train... pas de tout ca c'était hier
You looked at me, knowing that I knew you were right
our time had passed, long ago our marvelous summer had indeed died.
it was then while we were sitting just en face de la gare
¿significa que me vas a dejar de escribir? Quizas.
Un café et un café au lait SVP, I think we should not talk,
we can try to do what everyone does, pretend we never met,
lets pretend there was no need for an end, Nos deberíamos casar,
I mean I'm definitely going to start seeing someone, 
Tu es vraiment une Néo-Canadienne quois? nos deberíamos casar,
I gave up so much already, there's no way I'm getting married!
I left once, I'm getting out of this encore une fois
It is not like I ran out of love, I guess I just needed something more,
¿qué va a pasar?, ¿qué vamos a hacer Mariele?
we, we, we, how about me, me, me? 
I don't speak in plural, you know I haven't ever since. 
Then there is no point, it is better for me just to go, 
I will walk back without you, like I did three years ago. 
The night is falling upon us,
 and we are still here struggling for invisible soft power, 
fighting an already-settled dispute, 
looking for a criminal using a law that we can not enforce,
Coffee, after coffee, laugh, tear, tear, laugh,
 l'amour, l'hostilité, un beso y  tres odios. 
Why are we still here? Can't any of us just leave? 
We can't undo what is already done, 
we can't go back to where we used to belong. 
¿quieres ir a un bar después de que pongas la maleta en el hotel?
Lets get room service and stay there, otra noche más para que me veas dormir,
bajo amenaza de ser la última, de tomar la maleta empacada e irme, llegar a la Promenade des Anlaglais y darme cuenta que no soy yo la que debe partir, subirnos al tram y llevarte casi de la mano a la gare. Un último café para no irme con nosotros mal, para no tener solo lo malo que recordar. Un último café para hablar, notre dernier recontre à le petit café en face de la gare.
Eh bon ca fait... 5 cafés et 6 cafés au lait 15 euro SVP.

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