Sunday, September 13, 2009

Find Me

Phonecall at 5am... what time zone am I in again?
tears that don't stop; the weakness that has always been there
your mind, your heart, your hands, 
my feet, my stomach, my airless lungs.
Can't breath, can't think, maybe I should not speak.
No money to escape, "responsibilities" to fulfill, 
a long-expired unofficial promise that keeps me here.
My dried sentiments are exploding, absent thoughts, non-existent words.

I cannot see you and it is obvious that I cannot see myself. 
My clumsiness made me lose my Auryn,
I have no army to fight The nothing
there is no Atreju, no Fuchur... just The nothing. 
I cannot hear the oracle and I can't wake up from this Ende-like reality
that has invaded my destroyed dreams.
I should sleep to see if someone rebuilds the hope
that we shared for so long; but I have been long gone;
do you remember how long ago?
Je suis perdue, tu n'arrives pas 
c'est quoi ton histoire?
3am international call
foreign nostalgia
domestic romanticism 
internationally-displaced love.

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